When I think about my skills and work ethic, I recognize that I am someone I would love to hire if I were a hiring manager. Reflecting on my strengths helps me to boost my confidence and motivates me to keep finding ways to exceed my limits. For this reason, I broke down the reasons why I am a great worker:
1. I have an owner mentality, but I know to listen:
I have been a business owner before; I know how important it is to manage time wisely, trying to be as productive with my tasks as possible. Even if the company is not mine, I do not think of my work as an average employee who just thinks of receiving a paycheck. I have a feeling of belonging to the places I work for. I always try to represent well the principles of the company in the way I treat costumers, the way I interact with coworkers and the efficiency of my work. I know how to lead others, but I am good at following instructions too.
2. Every task matters to me: Companies can count on me for doing different types of work. From creating projects to taking a broom for cleaning a room; I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty or challenging myself for taking a higher position.
3. I am responsible and disciplined: I have trained myself to be disciplined, and it means to deliver my responsibilities on time or even earlier if possible. I like to communicate things in advance and not wait until the last minute for letting supervisors know about problems that can result in delays.
4. I know how to learn: I love to learn new things, keep improving my skills and performance at work. I am always hungry for more knowledge and challenges. During the Praxis program, I have increased my tech stack tremendously. I have taught myself how to use different project management software, and I have achieved that by searching on the internet and watching tutorial videos.
5. I am a resourceful person: If I do not know how to do something, I search the answers until I learn how to do it by myself. I like to look at the resources around me and find creative ways for solving problems. However, I am not too egocentric or stubborn; I can identify when I need the help of someone else and the collaboration of my team.
6. I am bilingual: I am a Spanish native speaker, and I speak English fluently. I consider this useful in the workplace because I can create content and interact in both languages. Besides speaking two languages, I come from a different culture allowing me to view ideas from different perspectives.
My principles, experience, and my willingness to work hard make me an outstanding candidate; but most importantly, my determination for doing things in the best way I can. If you were a hiring manager, would you hire me?